The final destination of our life is home
“Going home” may sound great but it’s not easy for everyone.
Some say: “I have no home to go!”
Some others say, “I want to go home, but I can’t.” We all miss our home, but we often fail to go back there for all kinds of reasons.
Home is a place of refuge from problems and a safety network when things go wrong.
Home is a place where you and your family share your sadness and happiness.
Home is a place where we are loved and accepted. The care and support from our family helped us learn, grow and push through tough times.
/ Go back home together on Mid-autumn Day

Without a home or with no loved ones there for them, people will wander about, lonely, helpless and scared.
"We want to let the orphaned children know that no matter what they’ve been through, they have a home to go and someone to count on," said one of our Chunhui mamas. So, on the Mid-Autumn Day, we encouraged Chunhui program graduates to go home like every one of us. There they will have a sweet time with their family.
Even if we don’t have a home, we can still love and give. The only way we can stop being lonely and wandering around is to create a home of our own and go back to it anytime we want to.
/ Grateful for the people that come into our lives

On a busy street, an off-road vehicle was taking Caesar and Tusken to their dream destination, a city that touched them and has become part of them.
Caesar, a child who always starved in his childhood, was tempted by food and kidnapped to another place. In that strange and faraway place, he was lonely and helpless, but he never gave up hope. With social support, he was finally brought to a welfare institution, admitted by a Chunhui family and started his new life under the nurturing care of Chunhui mama Guli. No matter how far he goes, he’ll always remember that he has a home and a loving Chunhui mama waiting for him with open arms. He is grateful for every person he meets in his life, said the boy.
After his parents died, Tusken was taken to the same welfare institution that admitted Caesar. There he became mama Guli’s foster son too and Caesar’s “elder brother”. He said he always remembers the first time he approached his Chunhui family, someone shouted: “Guli mama, look, you son is coming.” At that very moment, those words went straight to his heart. And then he was greeted with a great feast, dishes he had only seen in restaurants.

When he grew up, with the support of Chunhui Children, Caesar fell in love with equestrian, both a hobby that gave him courage and confidence and a career that he would pursue for the rest of his life.
In the first days when he worked in a place far away from home, he had trouble adapting so he called mama Guli and said with tears in his eyes that he wanted to give up and go home. “We’ve all been through this too. Hang in there and everything will be fine.” Like a lighthouse, these comforting words lightened the boy’s way ahead.
Caesar tries, learns and grows. He knows everyone must fight for his own life. Whatever lies ahead, he has mama Guli’s back. Whenever he is homesick, he thinks of her words and that will motivate him to keep going.
Tusken has been smart and spirited since he was a little boy, but when he is away from home, mama Guli worries about him and keeps asking:
“How are you doing?”
“At least give me a call before you go to bed at night, will you?”
“Does everything go well?”
One day, Tusken did not reply to her message in time, mama Gui was so worried that she stayed troubled and sleepless the whole night. It wasn't until she learned Tusken's phone was lost that she finally let out the breath she had been holding.
We believe in Caesar’s and Tusken’s life there is always someone that cares about them, gives them courage, and lets them know that in that city they will always have a loving home to go.

With Chunhui Children’s support in the past two decades, a multitude of homeless children have had a home and a Chunhui mama. Pushing open the door of every Chunhui family, we can see an eye-catching happy family photo. Like every typical child, the children of Chunhui families have their mama, dad and siblings. In these families, they learn to love and brave against all challenges.
Every Chunhui mama knows her foster kids like the back of their hands. They never forget their first “mama”and their first steps. They care about their likes and dislikes. They hold each child dear, and each child is attached to them.
Children like Caesar and Tusken left the institution when they “graduated” from their Chunhui program, so did their Chunhui mama. But they will always care about each other although they are not related by blood. Like every mother in the world, Chunhui mamas will never stop loving the children once under their care, whether they have retired or still work with Chunhui Children.