Guizhou Provincial Civil Affairs Office and Chunhui Children Jointly Provided 2024 Guizhou CWI Standardized Management Training

To promote capacity building, staff professionalism, delicacy management and service of child welfare institutions (CWI), Guizhou Provincial Civil Affairs Office and Chunhui Children jointly provided 2024 Guizhou CWI Standardized Management Training on April 11, 2024. About 80 directors and staff from civil affairs administrations and CWIs across the province attended the training. 

Yu Lihong, Director of the Child Welfare Division, Guizhou Civil Affairs Office, gave opening remarks. Chunhui Children’s Secretary-general Liu Shan shared Chunhui Children’s experience in helping at-risk children. 

Directors of Chongqing, Lishui and Ganzhou CWIs as well as professionals of Chunhui Children were also invited. Focusing on CWI standardized management, rehabilitation & special education integration, psychological care for youths, and at-risk children protection, current challenges and needs of CWIs, the training inspired new ideas and thoughts about CWI delicacy management and service.  

The training enriched the trainees’ know-ledge, promoted establishment of close relationships, and contributed to child welfare development.