10th Anniversary | Meet the Most Beautiful Lives


Most people find intoxicating beauty in spring, blooming flowers, drizzling rain, verdant grass…… But for me, the most blissful encounter with beauty takes place in Chunhui Children, and every day with the children is special.

Sweetest Memories

Over the Years in Chunhui Children

On Feb 1, 2012, I joined Chunhui Preschool Program and met a group of adorable teachers and children. But the first time I took care of the children, I was frustrated and thrown into confusion. Over time, as I came to know them, I developed an affection for them and started to enjoy our time together.


In April 2015, I began to serve as assistant of Chunhui Infant Nurture program mentor, responsible for managing program documentation and assisting Chunhui mamas in caring for the children.


In April 2017, I was promoted to Infant Nurture program mentor.


Forge Ahead with Fortitude

In June 2017, the institution I worked with moved to a suburban area, which was dozens of miles away. This posed a big challenge for some Chunhui mamas who had to get up before dawn every day and transfer buses three or four times to get to the new institution on time. Tired of the long hours on the road, many experienced mamas quit their job.  


The responsibility of helping recruit new mamas, setting up the environment, establish the children’s routines, and facilitating training for the mamas all fell on me. I had never received systematic program training and, leading a team of more than 20 mamas, I was overwhelmed with unprecedented pressure and anxiety.

As a green-hand mentor, I was in bad need of both experience and professional knowledge. In order to grow as fast as I could, I turned to the trainers for guidance and spent a lot of time learning from the 1jiaren online community.

Fortunately, as its name “春晖” suggests, Chunhui Children warms me with spring sunshine. With guidance and support from director Li and the trainers, my team did a good job and everything went well as planned.   

In the program there was a girl named RuoRuo. She spent most of her time lying on a floor mat, sucking on her little fingers and rocking her body ceaselessly from side to side. She wouldn’t take any toy handed to her or reach out her hands when a Chunhui mama offered to pick her up. We all thought that was just the way she loved so left it alone. It was not until I received training from director Li did I learn that the girl acted that way to console herself because she had never received any loving care before.


I shared what I learned from the training with Chunhui mamas and inspired them to spend more time observing the children, talking to them, giving them loving touch and hugs, interpreting their needs and, based on those needs, developing individualized support plans. Benefiting from the nurturing care of Chunhui mamas, RuoRuo began to change, every day. Now, rather than engage in self-consolation the way she did before, she shows interest in the world around her and likes sitting at the table exploring toys.

Meet the Most Beautiful Lives

From the story of RuoRuo I realized that I need work harder and, whatever I do, I’ll do it well. Now, I keep learning every day, and often visit 1jiaren online community to follow the e-learning courses, topics, posts and case analyses. I encourage the mamas to learn from the community as well so that we grow together.    

I am aware that it is not only my responsibility but also my strong wish to build up the childcare skills of Chunhui mamas so that more children could be served.


I have learned the most in the past ten years working with Chunhui Children. I am so proud that I have been part of the Chunhui family and that I have met a group of angelic babies. Looking forward to the next ten years, I will continue to dedicate myself to the children, because they are the most beautiful lives I have ever encountered.   


Chen Ling has been working with Chunhui Mama Program for ten years