Micro-film Voice as Beautiful as Summer Flowers: Mute Girl Blossoms

Featuring a mute girl who thrived under loving care of Chunhui mamas at China Care Home (CCH), Voice as Beautiful as Summer Flowers received “Outstanding Philanthropic Film” award at the 2023 China International Philanthropic Movie Festival, won the “Best Philanthropic Production” award at 2023 Shanghai Charity Short Film Festival, and was shortlisted for the 13th Macao International Film Festival. Today, let’s take a look at the story of the girl. 


Life shines in a silent world

Suffering from hearing impairment, the cute little girl Baomin was taken to CCH. Her world was silent, but she was curious about everything happening around her. Each time she blinked or interacted with those caring for her, she had so much passion and seemed to to tell us: “I can't hear, but I can feel.”

Born with cochlear loss, Baomin was particularly sensitive to even the slightest changes in her world. She was often seen hiding in her Chunhui mama's arms, eyes welling up with tears. But sometimes, you would find that she never stopped loving her life. She gently moved her fingers to communicate with us. Her every effort showed us the power and resilience of her life.

CCH——a home of love

From the short film, we learn how Baomin was taken to CCH and received medical treatment in one of Chunhui Children’s partner hospitals. At CCH, under the professional and round-the-clock care of her Chunhui mamas, Baomin started to flourish.

Also at CCH, Baomin met many other children who needed urgent medical treatment like her. Spending loving days and nights together, the children grew closer with each other. Chunhui mamas were not only their caregivers but also companions. They gave them motherly care and helped them regain hope for life. 

Hard work and perseverance 

make life brighter

Min received a surgery and finally put on her cochlear implant system. The first time she heard sound, we saw surprise and joy in her eyes. She started to communicate with words and her world was no longer silent. Her progresses were so inspiring and her perseverance motivated us to keep going. We believe that our hard work will beat all the challenges confronting us. 

Baomin fought hard through her surgery and rehabilitation exercises. Chunhui mamas were always there for her, supporting her and celebrating each of her progresses. It was their love and support that helped the girl regain confidence and hope.

The power of love and giving

Voice as Beautiful as Summer Flowersis not only a film, but also a call for giving. It records Baomin’s medical treatment and rehabilitation at CCH. Every scene in it demonstrates the power of love and giving. We believe that love makes the world go around and gives more children like Baomin a second chance at a brilliant life. We wish they’ll all have someone that cares about them and have a home they call their own.