Here is a loving letter Chunhui mama Ping wrote to her daughter, who had just become a mother herself.

My dearest daughter
How are you?
As it’s getting cold, make sure you wear enough clothes and keep a healthy diet.
This year, you became a mother yourself and I am now a grandma. I feel so sorry that I wasn’t there for you during your pregnancy, labor, or early motherhood. You never said a word of complaint, but I owe you an apology.
I have been working in the welfare institution since 2009. In the past 10+ years, I didn’t take good care of you. But I am so pleased that you have your own family and baby now.
You are turning 31 but in my heart you are still my crybaby. I know you must need me so much the night when you were in labor. But that day when I prepared to go to the hospital for you, the Covid-19 pandemic broke out and the institution went into lockdown. I received the notice that I would be forbidden to return in the coming months if I left the institution.
As you know, the children in my care are all orphans and they needed me so much. The oldest kid, for instance, is a boy suffering from frequent epilepsy and if he didn’t see me around, he would go mad and fall sick again.
You had your dad, husband and parents in law by your side. The four kids in my care, however, had nobody but me for support. They were so vulnerable that I didn’t have the heart to leave them behind.
So, I decided to stay with them though I felt throbbing pain that I couldn’t make it to the hospital for you. I want you to know that what I do is not simply a job. I love the four kids too and I take them as my own. For me, they are as important as you.
You might have a grievance against me, but I know you will forgive me. Each time you visited us in the institution, you brought nice food and gifts for your “younger brothers and sisters”. You cared for them and for me too.

My dear daughter, everyone has his/her own responsibilities, and I will not step away from mine. I hope you can understand me and forgive my absence from the most important moments of your life.
The night you were in labor, I stayed wide awake, praying that you wouldn’t suffer too much. I still remember the piercing pain I experienced while giving birth to you 30 years ago. So, I knew what you were going through, but I believed you would bite the bullet and make a great mom.
Now, as a new mother, you must be confronted with a sea of responsibilities and challenges just as I was 10 years ago when I first mothered 4 orphaned children. But over time, you will learn to adapt and enjoy the days with your baby. Believe in your baby and yourself. He will grow, so will you.
Nurturing a child is the most beautiful journey in the world. No worry! No hurry! You will be a superb mom.